Microsoft storage services

AAU has a number of agreements with Microsoft, who provides a number of storage services for data. Some of them are closely interconnected while others work more independently.

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud sync service that allows you to transfer files to and from a "folder" in the cloud. This can be done in a browser, or by using a client on your computer. Each user at AAU gets 5 TB storage space in Microsoft OneDrive.

OneDrive is not GDPR compliant in terms of storing personal data using this service.

Read more about OneDrive

Microsoft SharePoint

There are two different SharePoint solutions at AAU:

  • On-premise (AAU based) SharePoint service
  • Office 365 based SharePoint

SharePoint is suitable for file handling and offer some of the same options as OneDrive in terms of synchronization. However, SharePoint is usually controlled by a group of people (defined when creating the site), whereas OneDrive is individual users sharing files from their own folders.

Each of these services (on-premise and cloud based) are a bit different both in terms of available components, but also in terms of user handling and level of GDPR compliance.

Read more about SharePoint (in Danish)

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration environment that is a bit more like SharePoint, but have other features for online chat etc. However, the file handling for Microsoft Teams is based on an Office 365 cloud version of SharePoint. So the same options for handling files in SharePoint are available in Teams.

Read more about Office 365