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Research Data and Software

Working with research data is an essential aspect of a research project. AAU offers a wide range of consultancy, guidance, computing platforms and tools to our researchers. Learn about FAIR data management, get hands-on assistance with data science, and explore high-performance computing and the tools available for you.

Research Data and Software

Working with research data is an essential aspect of a research project. AAU offers a wide range of consultancy, guidance, computing platforms and tools to our researchers. Learn about FAIR data management, get hands-on assistance with data science, and explore high-performance computing and the tools available for you.

What is research data?

Research data refers to any information collected during a study or experiment that is used to support or refute a hypothesis. It can take many forms, such as numerical data, images, audio recordings, or written notes, and is typically analyzed to draw conclusions and make discoveries.


CLAAUDIA is a specialized team of data scientists, data managers and data stewards within ITS who provide access and support for a line of virtual services to researchers as well as assistance in data management planning, active data handling, data publishing and data archiving.